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EURAXESS Researchers in motion


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Career Stage


Are you researching the social, political, economical, media-related or cultural effects of the digital transformation? Do you want more freedom for your project and are interested in interdisciplinary exchange?

A fellowship at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) releases you from your regular work obligations and opens up new perspectives. 

As a fellow, you can spend either six or three months in Bochum, Germany. During this period, we will finance your sabbatical leave from work through compensation (e.g. for a substitute). Alternatively, we will pay grants of up to 2.000 € per month. You can invite guests for collaboration and will receive financial support for research expenses. Individual offices and meeting rooms with modern facilities offer optimal working conditions. In addition, we will provide comfortable apartments free of charge.

Become a member of the vibrant interdisciplinary research community at CAIS.

Apply until 31 October 2023 for fellowships starting from October 2024.

The funding program is open to excellent scholars and practitioners, to all career stages, disciplines and areas of investigation, as well as to pure research and to projects that are more applied in orientation.

We also fund working groups and still have some open slots in June, July and August 2024. Check out our flexible funding program for groups here:

Further questions? Please contact



Organisation name
Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) GmbH
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